Monday, June 2, 2008

Here we go...I'm jumping on!

It's really ironic. The last time I kept a blog was back in 2005 when I was running. I only managed to keep it (the blog and the running) up for a couple of months until I met my sweet Bryan and got distracted. I tracked myself as I became better at running, as I lost weight, and as I celebrated being by myself once again after-- well, you probably already know.

But here I am-- I'm no longer by myself. Nor will I be for a long, long, time. Hopefully never. But I found myself reading that old blog once again (back in December) and was inspired to recapture the spirit of that blog again... the spirit that only comes with being a runner. Since it was Christmastime and I was going home to Florida soon, I decided that January 3, 2008 would be my start date-- the day we got back to Pittsburgh.

I even sat there on the plane making a schedule for myself. I was so excited! I was finally going to lose those pesky 50 pounds I'd gained since my freshman year of college! Woo-hoo!

But fate had other plans... as I returned to my house here in Pittsburgh I took a routine test that many women take with no real reason to suspect a positive outcome (ok so I was a week late!), I saw 2 little blue lines. 2 lines that meant that I wouldn't be running for a long, long time.

And here he is-- the cause of that 2nd blue line! So this is an "old" ultrasound photo of him at 13 weeks... before he revealed his (ahem) masculine glory. I'd upload the other ones, but of course my scanner died before I could do so. Maybe someday!